Today we will talk about seo, why seo is important to google search factors we will try to share every thing in detail to clear your basic concept about seo so, lets begin...
What is SEO? Importance of SEO
SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is a technique used to get website recognized on search engines and maximum traffic drives to your website. Saerch engines use many complicated algorithms to figure out which pages they will display in the results of the search ? The algorithms recognize different ranking factors, When they deliver results to someone who is searching for something on the web. If you want your site to show up the search results when someone is searching for things you offered in your website. There are many things that your website needs to contain some other factors that search engine look into when ranking a page so here are some seo ranking factors for website 2016. or simply things that matters to search engines...
SEO Ranking Factors in 2016
Major Keywords in Post Title
If you want to build an authority website on the internet for long-term success then learn to target keywords.lets take an example if you are searching for any product the first thing what will you do? Definitely you will go to search engine and you will search for exact what you want so the point is in that search box the thing that you entered are called keywords and belive me they have really huge importance in seo. so if you want a quality traffic you should choose main tittle keywords wisely. I know what you guys are thinking, how do you know which keywords will perfectly fit for your post so don't worry like every problem this problem also have a solution. You can choose your keywords with the help of Google Keyword Planner and it is completely free tool.
Mobile Friendly Websites
Your website basically must be mobile friendly, here is a Google tool where you can conduct a mobile friendly test. Your website has to work in all devices whether it is mobile device or desktops, teblets. Most people in our region they just coming on the internet now and the way they coming on onternet these days using there mobile devices for that reason Google is smart it is giving rewards for website owners to make sure that our websites are mobile friendly so therefore it will rank our website if it is mobile friendly, higher than others.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is important because it allows you to reach wide audiences but not only you can reach wider audience but you can grow your authority on internet. when people start sharing the usual content that you create on your website, it means social media has importance and we can see its affects on our websites, as much shares, likes, comments you have on your blog will be really good for your ranking in google search so make your content as much social as possible.
Speed Of Your Website
So if you have normal site you don't need to worry about it. Think about a site that takes 20 seconds to respond request that is incredibly slow you just hate it.They're gonna leave be unhappy that they found the site via Google. Those are the sorts that, I really need speed up but still in your best interest to make your site is fast and smooth as you can.
High Quality Backlinks
The first thing you need to know is, what are backlinks? And why you need them?
And how you go about getting them to your website?
so backlink is when somebody another website creates a link on their website with that link be in the middle of the blog posts that they created or might be a link on the sidebar of their website or in the footer even of their webpage anywhere they create a link to your website, thats the link that telling the people for on their website go over to that website thats what called backlinks. Its just one link from another website to your website.
Why are these important as the next obvious question, well one of the biggest factors in that google looks at on their ranking web pages when they are deciding which web page should be at the top of the search results for a particular in a keyword phrase when somebody types in something into the Google box. One of the many factors are as many one of the major ones is how many up these links do you have coming in to that particular web page on your website from other webpages. This Google sees this as a vote if somebody links to you Google thinks they must like you if they linked to you. And more these links you have the more votes you get. so thats why getting a link from other websites is so important because pays attention to the metal links and also the quality of these links.
Posting useful, or say quality content is a link building strategy. IF you have really good content on your website other webmaster unnaturally just got a link to use you. If you got really good content and you gonna get subscribers, followers and people are gonna naturally starting to link to you.
Website's Sitemap
One thing that alot of search engines used to help, understand your website is called the site map. Now this is different from a sitemap that you use in design process. This sitemap is specifically intended for robots and search engines.
Keep Away From Copying Content
Biggest issue that arises when it comes to optimizing web pages is the copied content issue. Build your website ground up with seo in mind and to completely avoid. your site must be filled with good quality and relevant content that are targeting specific key words.
Final Words
So, These were some basic optimization tips which we discussed today but keep in touch with us if you want to know advanced guides about SEO which we will definitely be writing about in future. Cheers!
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