Sunday, 7 February 2016

Simple And Effective Ways to Relieve Stress Quick

Simple and effective ways to relieve stress quick

Stress, stress is something we all deal with daily no matter how old we are. Now what is stress?
Stress is the specific response by the body to a stimulus like fear or pain that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium, in other words stress is how your body and or mind reaction to experience is something internal or external that rows of the way your body in, may normally function. Internal things are things like dark memories fears dreams, external things like physical trauma, traffic, jobs, relationships.
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A stressor something that brings you stress. Stressors normally really strong emotions like anger, jealousy, depression. You ever notice how you became an extreme in stress! From thinking to over think and there are so many stressors money, issues, work, lack of work, relationships, lack of relationships, expectations, pressure, school work so many more so what is most important is knowing what your stresses are?

And arming yourself with healthy coping skills, healthy coping skills or behaviour are activities that help you either reduce minimize or tolerate stress. So here are some tips, I hope which will definitely help to reduce stress. Number one tip is, something that you might think that is not good thing to do when you are stressed. It really helps and it's getting your mind out of that. The more you think about it is the more you over think and it can just make stress even worse. So what I like to do, is like to watching TV shows, movies or just something to stay get my mind out of it. And then when you are no stressing you are thinking about other things. It's easier to come back and talk a lot or whatever is stressing you out.

Tip no two is definitely using your support system family, friends people that you go for help. Let them know say it out don't be afraid people are stressed all the time and it's nice to know that your friends family are there for you to help you through it so just say it out you may not even need a answer from them or some to solve the problem. It's just sometimes you need to talk about and get off your chest and that really does help to reduce stress.

Number third tip is something to do with your body and more physically reducing stress, sometimes it's getting foot massage or getting body massaged. Sometimes physical therapy is good for stress.
Exercising some particular kind of exercise really helps with stress. Like box breathing is something that we can do all of us to manage our anxieties to reduce our stress and elevate our performance. When we are stressed want people to think about their breathing they want them to manage their breathing in the shape up a box sitting in a comfortable space, sitting up straight align posture find some time that you can take about four minutes for yourself take a breath, take a breath in through your nose and could that by four seconds, hold that breath then exhale slowly out through your mouth, that symmetrical breathing exercise ideally should be repeated several times in a course of about four minutes just getting it done is an amazing stress release scenario.

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About the Author


Author & Editor

Hey! Its me Muhammad Danish a young blogger from Pakistan. Em student . And When ever I have free time i do blog so basically its my hobby. If you want to know more about me! join me on Facebook , Twitter , n Instagram.


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