Tuesday, 19 April 2016

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet, firmware tablet china, china android tablet firmware,rooting chinese tablet ,unbranded tablets

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet

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There are plenty of reliable and high-end Smartphone and tablet makers out there, but in order to keep the standards high and run the advertising campaigns on these well-reputed companies have to take their price tags a little big higher. But inverse is the case with Chinese devices, as they lay no any specific stress on advertising (which also is a cause of their less familiarity) their prices show immense difference from the others. As they are cheap and do almost same tasks, a huge chunk of population goes for them. But a major problem which arises with such devices is that , there is no assistance from the makers in any case of spoilage which mainly occurs when people try to upgrade their devices by rooting or so.

Now coming onto the main topic. Nowadays there are hundreds or I must say thousands of these kind of companies, with millions of products. But there is a limited quantity of Boards available in market which means most of these devices share a similar BOARD. And as the firmware mostly depends upon the board. The more the board is common the more is the chance that you would get to the firmware.  The only thing you have to do to get to your firmware is just find out your BOARD ID and Processor. For which you have to follow these steps:

1. Unscrew the back panel of your Tablet or your respective device.
And take the assistance of a tool to peel of the back panel.  While unscrewing be careful with the speakers and wiring. As they are vulnerable to sharp tools. And make sure that you are operating at a dry and safe place.

2. When you are done with the unscrewing , separate the two flaps and  look for the processor number i.e: A10 , A9 , A13 etc. Which should be very easy to find as it is written in visible fonts and a healthy size. One is demonstrated in the image bellow.

3. After that, you have to look for the board ID which usually is always on the top of the board. While doing that don’t get confused with some other notations. With a little bit of common sense you will easily point it out.

Like here it is CB-M RU 94V-0. It should be pretty easy to find. Now note down both the processor number and BOARD ID without messing with any of its characters. :D

4. There are many online sources which provide free access to thousands of firmwares so it is best to either search on google for the firmware of respective processor and board ID like “FIRMWARE FOR  a13 86vm-m702vm” or Search for it on XDA DEVELPORS FORUM. There is quite a chance that you’d find yours easily. And with the help of stock firmware you can recover your soft-bricked or boot looped android device. There are many tools out there to install the firmware depending on the kind of chipset, you only have to download one accordingly and follow the instructions well. 

If you have any kind of queries or difficulties, feel free to comment. 
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I am Mohammad Danyal, a student and a Part-time Blogger. I just simply try to illustrate myself through my work. You can catch me on Facebook.

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Hey! Its me Muhammad Danish a young blogger from Pakistan. Em student . And When ever I have free time i do blog so basically its my hobby. If you want to know more about me! join me on Facebook , Twitter , n Instagram.


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