Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Ways to Monetize Your Blog Immediately Top 7 Strategies

Ways to Monetize Your Blog Immediately Top 7 Strategies

Often times we get into Blogging to create may be passive income on the side or just to have a place to share personal stories. You might even think about monetizing it until you realize how much time it can take up or we want to turn our passion project into something that's profitable. I am here to help, after together many strategies that you can start today to begin monetizing your blog right away, number one.
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Affiliate Marketing

I don't know a lot of people not understand what affiliate marketing is? And it took me awhile to wrap my head around it too but the basic idea is that there are products and services are available for sale out there today and the companies that are producing those products wanna try to sell as much as possible. so they have created something called an affiliate program that's where you sign up and you get a special link that you can put throughout blog posts or may be even a banner ad on your website. When a visitor clicks on that link and goes in purchases the product you get a percentage of the sale now there are various ranges of how this work. Some companies will pay 50 percent other sell and others will be much last. It really varies it's really easy to sign up the trick is getting people to click through.

Fair warning though you might wanna be careful getting too affiliate marketing heavy on your website. If people believe that the only time they click through on something it's gonna bring them to a page where they need to buy something else they're gonna be less likely to visit your blog and click for anything that you have. So be selective and choose products and services that you know or tried yourself and linked to those. A lot of businesses offer these they're just not very public, If you go to a company's website and search for the term affiliate marketing or affiliate program you're likely to find exactly what I am talking about.

Sidebar ads

sidebar advertisements on your blog. We have all seen the crazy number ads on aside coated products and services have nothing to do with the blog content. So again similar warning here is to the affiliate marketing make sure that you are linking to companies and businesses that you know and support. The start to get on the sidebar of a website or a blog can work in two ways. They can either be paid advertisements, where the company is paying you directly to have an advertisement on your blog or it can be an affiliate link, like we talked about earlier. Where the image itself goes to a product or service that you would then get commission on.


well it can be digital product like e-books or e-courses, Pre-recorded courses that you made available for download on your website or they can be physical products like something that you are making from home or if you are representing an other company's product. You can have the company email them out for you. The nice thing about utilizing digital product is you can set it up so that once they are paid for. Payment is automatically deposited into your PayPal or other online banking account and then the product is automatically shipped to the person who signed up through their email address.

Member Website

Membership website you have probably seen them before but maybe not know that that's what they are called its when you pay for an online course, product or service, then you are given login information to access the course. This is called a membership website the website is only available to those people who pay and sign up for the information. Once again the smart passive income website is a great source for learning how to set up your first membership website.

Consulting OR Coaching

So this will take a little bit more out of your own time but it is an option and something that you can start immediately in order to start making money. Make a few announcements on your social media pages and or read a blog post about how you have some free time open in your upcoming coaching schedule. Let everyone know up front how much you charge and when  you are closing the program. Even if it does have one or two people have that's more money than you started with, right!

Paid Guest Posts

Something you can do is if you are in an industry where you often promote other products or services by other businesses, you can have an option on your website where people can pay you to write about them or can pay you to share their content on your blog this one might work a little bit like the paid advertisements for you might need to do some direct outreach in order to make them sell.

Speaking Gigs

Paid speaking gigs, em sure that you have a lot to offer. All are not totally comfortable speaking in public. Its not only a great exercise for us to do to become more confident in what we are talking about, what we are sharing but it also is another great way to make some money. If you get promoted to speak at a band thats a great time to ask what they are willing to pay for you to come up.

And Remember
There are many wonderful things that will never to be done if you do not do them.

how to monetise a blog , best way to monetize a blog, monetise blog, monetizing a website, making money from a blog 

About the Author


Author & Editor

Hey! Its me Muhammad Danish a young blogger from Pakistan. Em student . And When ever I have free time i do blog so basically its my hobby. If you want to know more about me! join me on Facebook , Twitter , n Instagram.


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