Category 1

Monday 2 May 2016

the deep internet,deep web internet,search deep internet,dark internet,the dark internet 

What is the Deep web?

We all are pretty familiar with the internet and we all claim to know it well, but wait a while and think, are we accurate to claim that. The answer is a big NO. The internet is a lot weirder than we think or at least thought. The internet which we come across, access and surf daily is just a part of the internet, and a very little part of it. The part of internet which is accessible by a common user is termed as The Surface Web, which contains all the things you commonly do on internet for e.g. all the data which is indexed in search engines, your facebook, google, youtube and every searchable thing. Doesn’t it sound very big, but it isn’t actually.
Previous post: How To Increase Ram On Android Phone? Upto 4 GB!!
The Surface web is just 10 percent or even less of the entire internet. The rest 90 percent is what we call the Deep Web. Actually there is a sub-layer of Deep Web known as THE DARK WEB which is even secretive. In this article I will only focus onto discussing the Deep Web because that’s a topic for another day!

The deep web may be used for some common causes such as web mail or online banking, but its most popular for its illegal use. Thousands of websites on deep web are used to buy and sell illegal stuff such as arms, ammunition, Drugs and countless other things which are immoral and are not permitted in most parts of the world. Its further use includes approach to academic information, medical records, Multilingual databases, Conference proceedings, Competitor Websites, Subscription information, Organization-specific repositories, Legal documents, scientific reports and even Government Sources! The deep web has existed as long as the internet does. But most of the people didn’t even know that it exists.

Most of the terrorist organizations are found to use deep web. They use it to buy all the illegal stuff they need. And in some cases they even use it for recruitment. The deep web is also used by the governments of many states. The exchange of information is mostly performed on this platform because the deep web is the perfect place for a person searching for anonymity. As the deep web makes 99.97% of the entire internet, there is a hell lot of things to explore. The Deep Web is very anonymous and even you by yourself can not access it without being anonymous. It can be very much helpful if used for information purposes but it can also be quite dangerous at the same time if misused.

The Next article in this chain will direct you, How to access the Deep web And what are the perks of Dark web! So stay tuned for more.

A post by:

I am Mohammad Danyal, a student and a Part-time Blogger. I just simply try to illustrate myself through my work. You can catch me on Facebook.

What is the Deep web?

the deep internet,deep web internet,search deep internet,dark internet,the dark internet  We all are pretty familiar with the internet ...

Saturday 23 April 2016

how to increase phone storage,how to increase speed of android phone,how to increase phone ram,how to increase internal storage on android phone,increase tablet ram,how to increase ram on android tablet,how to increase tablet ram ,upgrade ram android,how to upgrade ram android,

This question has been revolving around since the very beginning of the smartphone era. At first there was a myth that the ram of an android device, needed not be more than One Gig (GB). But this stereotype did not hail much .And was broken quiet early. The RAM enables us to run programs. And its quite an obvious thing that “more the ram, the better the performance”.
hot: Finally Samsung Officially Announces Samsung Fingers First Wearable Glove
Which means the number of programs which can be run at the same time depends upon the RAM. Most of the top notch Smartphone makers surprisingly do injustice by putting huge RAM variants so that their expensive models which have higher RAMs, get sold more. But you don’t need to worry anymore because we got a quick remedy for you to expand your device’s ram to keep it alive in this era of competition. There are quite a few ways to expand your Smartphone’s RAM, one of which is creating a SWAP FILE. This is the easiest and yet the least complex method of Increasing the RAM. Even a completely newbie can do it by properly following the steps. For this method you would need ROOT PERMISSIONS, enough space in the phone or SD card for eg. If you need to increase your RAM by 2 gb, you will need 2gb of free space in your device or SD card. And the last thing you need is a FILE SWAPPER, you can use pretty much any one of the swappers present in the market but I will recommend you to use ROEHSOFT RAM EXPANDER. I am using the same in this Tutorial. After getting all the apparatus follow these steps:


After getting your Hands on it, you will have to install it.


After installation you will come to see something like this. I’ll recommend you to have a good look at the app interface but not to play with it because that can ruin your system!


Right after the installation and launch a pop up will appear requesting root permissions which you will have to allow in order to have this app work. You can select or deselect the ask again option upon you will, and you can also change the duration of the permit.

3- Now set your required amount of RAM to be expanded:

Tap on the encircled field and either move the pointer or enter the amount of RAM you want to increase. The format is in MBs so if you want to upgrade to 1 gb you’ll write 1024 MB and keep doubling it according to your will.
set your required amount of RAM to be expanded

4- Select the Partition:

Now select the partition where you want to store the swap file, while selecting keep in mind that the swap file will be the same size the amount of RAM you had selected! And It is better to select the Phone storage cause we don’t usually remove it willingly or mistakenly. But with SD car you can risk that up, although no any other risk is present in placing the Swap file in the SD card.

Select the Partition

5- Now , be patient and Wait a While…

Just wait for the process to get completed. It might take a few minutes or more so be patient and let it complete.
Last but Not the least is the result which will surely please you. You would probably be expecting a great result after all this mess and BINGO! Here you go!! The Ram Has been expanded successfully or you!
If you have any sort of problem doing this, Feel free to ask in the comment section bellow!

A post by:

I am Mohammad Danyal, a student and a Part-time Blogger. I just simply try to illustrate myself through my work. You can catch me on Facebook.

How To Increase Ram On Android Phone? Upto 4 GB!!

how to increase phone storage,how to increase speed of android phone,how to increase phone ram,how to increase internal storage on android ...

Thursday 21 April 2016

gloves display,sci fi gloves,first glove,how to display gloves,talk to hand phone glove,glove technology,phone gloves,tech gloves,samsung wearable,samsung wearable device,samsung wearable tech.

After the huge success of edge display, Samsung announces  a totally revolutionary concept ...
Samsung Fingers
Most of you can easily assume from the tittle that something very revolutionary has been announced by Samsung. As this Koria-Based company has always been in the limelighst for introducing new and amazing concepts. At first the very popular “super AMOLED Display”, which went super viral and was or is regarded as one of the most wonderful displays ever created. After this hit Samsung went for another big shot, and brought up the concept of curved edge displays which also was a very highlighted and much hyped concept. And it went upto the company’s expectations.

After all this buzz, Samsung has now announced yet another , first of its kind concept for A completely wearable smart Phone. Which they Call SAMSUNG FINGERS. As its name it is a wearable smart glove.

With this device Samsung has put forward a totally re-imagined display namely SUPER EMO-LED , which will exclusively be included in this device. According to the sources this will be the SLIMMEST DEVICE Samsung has ever created with the thickness of 0.2 mm only!!! Yeah you heard it right only 0.2 mm. Not only this , it also would be the LIGHTEST DEVICE Samsung has ever assembled with a mere weight of “1g”. The device will be made available with a 3 inch flexible UHD Super Emo-LED display. Accompanied by a SIXTEEN Mega pixel camera to show up the best quality photos. A totally new network band will be introduced for this device exclusively, which they are thinking to name as 5G. This device will also support the Wifi 902.11wz.


Samsung claims that this device will modify the usage of a common hand. SAMSUNG FINGERS would renovate and revolutionize the human hand to a high-tech add-oned machine with limitless possibilities.


Samsung Fingers Talk to hand

Talk to hand:

This feature will be applicable when the user is in a conversation with someone or is busy enough to add another person in the conversation. So the user can make SAMSUNG FINGERS to talk to the caller and enjoy the on-going conversation. FINGERS will auto answer the caller and will record it to be answered further.

Samsung Fingers Palm-rec


This feature is considered to make the most hyped ripple in the tech-market. Whenever something will be kept on the SAMSUNG FINGERS its ultra sensitive 3-inch EMO-LED Display will analyze the substance and will start giving the suggestions about it, like what is it or what to do with it.


This unique and first-of-its-kind feature controles the kinetic and potential energy of your body to maintain the favorable temperature of the object i.e: beverages, in your hand. ThermoPad saves you from the dissatisfaction of drinking your room temperatred glass of soft-drink. SAMSUNG FINGERS would be the only product in market to have such a feature.

Samsung Fingers S Charge

S Charge:

If you think that the features offered are not enough than you must be satisfied and delighted by this eco-friendly and smart S CHARGE feature. Which enables you to charge your device directly from the sun through solar charging. Undoubtedly this is the most portable and easy way of charging a device all you gotta do is just lifting your hand in the the sunny and open atmosphere.

Samsung Fingers The Gestures

The Gestures:

You all would be pretty familiar with gestures but not this kind of gestures! SAMSUNG FINGERS reinvents the the gestures and makes it the most fun activity. There are about 25 combinations of gestures for various tasks such as Attending a Call, Rejecting a Call, making one and etc. More gestures are expected to be included with the future firmware updates. Not only this but SAMSUNG FINGERS will also include voice and gyro sensors which will lad the user to a heavenly experience!

S laser:

Yet the most futuristic feature in this list. The S Laser will offer the user to a whole new definition of portable projectors. The S Laser would be a high –end super high Resolution built-in projector in the SAMSUNG FINGERS. Which will be able enough to produce HD projections on any flat surface in the whole universe!. S Laser sums up as a compact and worthy feature in the ALL NEW REVOLUTIONARY SAMSUNG FINGERS.

Samsung Fingers Variations
Here is the creatively fashionized side of Samsung. Now Whether you are a tough guy or a rigid biker with a heavy fashion desire, a Class person with a high fashion sense or a regular user, you can get your choice engraved in the perfect combination of art and tech, THE SAMSUNG FINGERS.



A post by:

I am Mohammad Danyal, a student and a Part-time Blogger. I just simply try to illustrate myself through my work. You can catch me on Facebook.

Finally Samsung Officially Announces Samsung Fingers First Wearable Glove

gloves display,sci fi gloves,first glove,how to display gloves,talk to hand phone glove,glove technology,phone gloves,tech gloves,samsung w...

Tuesday 19 April 2016

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet, firmware tablet china, china android tablet firmware,rooting chinese tablet ,unbranded tablets

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet

Previous Post: 3 Simple Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website
There are plenty of reliable and high-end Smartphone and tablet makers out there, but in order to keep the standards high and run the advertising campaigns on these well-reputed companies have to take their price tags a little big higher. But inverse is the case with Chinese devices, as they lay no any specific stress on advertising (which also is a cause of their less familiarity) their prices show immense difference from the others. As they are cheap and do almost same tasks, a huge chunk of population goes for them. But a major problem which arises with such devices is that , there is no assistance from the makers in any case of spoilage which mainly occurs when people try to upgrade their devices by rooting or so.

Now coming onto the main topic. Nowadays there are hundreds or I must say thousands of these kind of companies, with millions of products. But there is a limited quantity of Boards available in market which means most of these devices share a similar BOARD. And as the firmware mostly depends upon the board. The more the board is common the more is the chance that you would get to the firmware.  The only thing you have to do to get to your firmware is just find out your BOARD ID and Processor. For which you have to follow these steps:

1. Unscrew the back panel of your Tablet or your respective device.
And take the assistance of a tool to peel of the back panel.  While unscrewing be careful with the speakers and wiring. As they are vulnerable to sharp tools. And make sure that you are operating at a dry and safe place.

2. When you are done with the unscrewing , separate the two flaps and  look for the processor number i.e: A10 , A9 , A13 etc. Which should be very easy to find as it is written in visible fonts and a healthy size. One is demonstrated in the image bellow.

3. After that, you have to look for the board ID which usually is always on the top of the board. While doing that don’t get confused with some other notations. With a little bit of common sense you will easily point it out.

Like here it is CB-M RU 94V-0. It should be pretty easy to find. Now note down both the processor number and BOARD ID without messing with any of its characters. :D

4. There are many online sources which provide free access to thousands of firmwares so it is best to either search on google for the firmware of respective processor and board ID like “FIRMWARE FOR  a13 86vm-m702vm” or Search for it on XDA DEVELPORS FORUM. There is quite a chance that you’d find yours easily. And with the help of stock firmware you can recover your soft-bricked or boot looped android device. There are many tools out there to install the firmware depending on the kind of chipset, you only have to download one accordingly and follow the instructions well. 

If you have any kind of queries or difficulties, feel free to comment. 
A post by:

I am Mohammad Danyal, a student and a Part-time Blogger. I just simply try to illustrate myself through my work. You can catch me on Facebook.

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet

How to find firmware of an unbranded or Chinese Android Tablet, firmware tablet china, china android tablet firmware,rooting chinese tablet...

Saturday 27 February 2016

3 Simple Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

Today we are talking about traffic. Specifically getting more traffic to your website. Are you the best kept secret in town? Do you have a beautiful website, but no visitors? Well it's time to change all of that, and today I'll show you top three ways to get more traffic to your website. If you want to get more traffic to your website the first problem you face, is that there is so much conflicting advice out there on the best way to do it. You probably heard about pay per click advertising, Google ads, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, article writing, blogging. Well all the opportunities out there are, the things that you should be focusing on to get more traffic to your website? And the trouble is if you are like most, small business owners there just aren't enough hours in the day to sift through all the different options and figure out which are going to be the best methods for you. It can be like full time job to generate more traffic to your website. So let's keep this simple. At the end of the day, there are only three ways to get more traffic to your website. You can either buy traffic, you can borrow the traffic, or you can create the traffic. I'm going to take you through each of these in turn, in inverse order so you can figure out which is the best way for you to focus on.
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Create Traffic

So first of all let's talk about creating traffic. This is normally the best thing to start out doing if you're new to your website, if you're really figuring out what you are selling, and you need to test your price points and your conversation. And when you are creating traffic going to put more in terms of time, energy and creativity but you are not going to be risking any hard earned money to get more people to your website. So when it comes to creating traffic, what you are really doing is finding out where your target audience is already hanging out and then putting in place interest and little bit bates and tip bits to encourage them back to your website. So for an example , you could find an organization or community where your target audience hang out online, and go and post a blog, or guest blog on that place, and then have an invitation for people to come back to your site. Or it could be that you do this offline, so maybe you'll go, and give a free talk somewhere, and then invite people to sign up for your tips and advice on your website. So when your are creating traffic you definitely have to put more effort into getting the traffic to you, this type of traffic is very targeted as long as you have really narrowed down who it is you are targeting and where they are hanging out. And the good news about this is, It's going to take time and energy but it's not going to cost you any money.

Borrow Traffic

So the next way that you can create traffic is you can borrow traffic and what this means is you go and find people who already developed a relationship with the people that you want to target and you ask them to send them your way. This is also known as joint venture and affiliate marketing. Presently when you begin, alot of individuals have questions about how this functions and you may be imagining that how on earth would I be able to induce some person who has an email list to send those individuals over to my site? Well it can be done, but you need to approach people in the right way. So first of all, this is the absolute no, never ever just approach someone with a list, and say "Hey I am dispatching this new item, will you elevate it to your list? That is completely the most noticeably bad approach to approach a potential list owner. You want to approach them focusing on this, what's in it for them? What's more, what your list proprietor will be searching for is either that your item is complimentary, and one that they really be happy to endorse, because it benefits their customers and or that there's some type of financial payoff for them recommending it.

Buy Traffic

An then final way you can get traffic to your website is you can buy traffic. So this is where you do paid advertising. Now the one that most people know about is Google Adwords for generating page traffic, pay per click advertising. These days people get most of paid traffic through Facebook, that's where most of us do advertising, and the reason Facebook works better for many is just because you can target your audience. So Facebook enables you to target women versus men, or a certain age group, or people with certain preferences. You can't do that with Google, because with Google you can target people who are already looking for something, so the ad pops up after they have typed something into the search engine. Now either one may be best depending on the process that your client goes through as they are looking through the process of thinking of becoming a client. So bottom line is are you selling something that people know they need, and are likely to come, and type a question into search engine to try, and find it? Or is it you're selling something where you maybe need to educate people that they need it in which case the pay per click advertising that would probably work for you better would be something like Facebook which is most of us using.

Now that's not the only ads that you can use. You can do offline paid advertising to generate traffic to your website. You can also use something called solo ads, and this is where you would pay a list owner to set down an ad on your behalf. I use most most of them, but right now the one that's working best is Facebook ads.

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3 Simple Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

Today we are talking about traffic. Specifically getting more traffic to your website. Are you the best kept secret in town? Do you have ...

Monday 22 February 2016

Quick Tips On How To Get Taller Fast And Naturally

Today I'm going to share with you some tips and what you can eat and keep you in mind so that you can allow your body to grow to its maximum potential height. So before I get into it let's talk about height itself, people can be of various heights just like that we have different features and we look different. 75 percent can be genetics which means 25 percent is based on environmental or other external factors. This also means that if your both parents are tall, most likely you will be tall but there are some cases where both the parents are tall and you may be a little bit short and let me say here that there is nothing wrong with being short. Short itself is subjective what you might think is short could be not short to be or someone else. In my opinion some people suit tall the six and some suit shorter. There are a lot of benefits being short. You usual able being cute, get away with things a lot easier and it can make people do things for you much is it when you are tall and obviously there are upsides of being tall as well you can reach things better, close a better on you and for girls be able to hide fat more easily. For guys it's always great to be tall especially if you wanna impress girls... So besides calculating a projected height by looking at both the parents. You don't actually know how tall you can be until you reach a full physical adulthood. Which is around your mid-20s. How ever there are some signs that show they can still grow after that despite a little bit, so there are some things that you can eat before and during that time period that will help boost a body to grow its maximum potential height.

Don't miss this one: Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies Fast and Easy Ways


So the top on the list is Milk which contained a ton of calcium which helps us growing bone and cells in the body as well as vitamin D and b12. I suggest drinking at least two cups of milk a day. One at the morning for breakfast and one before bed. It also helps you sleep better.


Spinach is load in fat high in protein, fibre, calcium, iron, vitamin A,C,E,K,B6 and the list goes on. Surprisingly we use it a lot in Chinese cooking but you make sure that you consume it daily and add it to your juice or smoothie.


Especially carrot is rich in vitamin A which is essential for the body to serve the size protein. I suggest add it in your salad or juice but don't go overboard with carrots.


You can have so much different ways it is a awesome source of protein which is good for height growth but also keep your hair healthy as well.

So besides the food that you can eat there are also some things that you shouldn't be doing. Number one is Smoking would destroy cellular structure pretty much destroys everything everything else insides you which is your organs. Number two is Drinking, obviously alcohol because it damages your liver which is very important organ for your body. Number three is doing weights it actually confuses your body to focus on muscle growth as opposed to height growth. Number four is stressing, stress causes a lot of problems for the body, so I suggest stress less smile more. You should however exercise especially swimming and skipping rope which will help stimulate bone growth. Last but not least is sleep early . Especially during the growing years you will need at least eight to nine hours of sleep. Specially during the golden hours of 11 pm and 2 am.

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Quick Tips On How To Get Taller Fast And Naturally

Today I'm going to share with you some tips and what you can eat and keep you in mind so that you can allow your body to grow to its ...

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Ways to Monetize Your Blog Immediately Top 7 Strategies

Often times we get into Blogging to create may be passive income on the side or just to have a place to share personal stories. You might even think about monetizing it until you realize how much time it can take up or we want to turn our passion project into something that's profitable. I am here to help, after together many strategies that you can start today to begin monetizing your blog right away, number one.
hot: Make Money with Infolinks ads Best Adsense Alternative

Affiliate Marketing

I don't know a lot of people not understand what affiliate marketing is? And it took me awhile to wrap my head around it too but the basic idea is that there are products and services are available for sale out there today and the companies that are producing those products wanna try to sell as much as possible. so they have created something called an affiliate program that's where you sign up and you get a special link that you can put throughout blog posts or may be even a banner ad on your website. When a visitor clicks on that link and goes in purchases the product you get a percentage of the sale now there are various ranges of how this work. Some companies will pay 50 percent other sell and others will be much last. It really varies it's really easy to sign up the trick is getting people to click through.

Fair warning though you might wanna be careful getting too affiliate marketing heavy on your website. If people believe that the only time they click through on something it's gonna bring them to a page where they need to buy something else they're gonna be less likely to visit your blog and click for anything that you have. So be selective and choose products and services that you know or tried yourself and linked to those. A lot of businesses offer these they're just not very public, If you go to a company's website and search for the term affiliate marketing or affiliate program you're likely to find exactly what I am talking about.

Sidebar ads

sidebar advertisements on your blog. We have all seen the crazy number ads on aside coated products and services have nothing to do with the blog content. So again similar warning here is to the affiliate marketing make sure that you are linking to companies and businesses that you know and support. The start to get on the sidebar of a website or a blog can work in two ways. They can either be paid advertisements, where the company is paying you directly to have an advertisement on your blog or it can be an affiliate link, like we talked about earlier. Where the image itself goes to a product or service that you would then get commission on.


well it can be digital product like e-books or e-courses, Pre-recorded courses that you made available for download on your website or they can be physical products like something that you are making from home or if you are representing an other company's product. You can have the company email them out for you. The nice thing about utilizing digital product is you can set it up so that once they are paid for. Payment is automatically deposited into your PayPal or other online banking account and then the product is automatically shipped to the person who signed up through their email address.

Member Website

Membership website you have probably seen them before but maybe not know that that's what they are called its when you pay for an online course, product or service, then you are given login information to access the course. This is called a membership website the website is only available to those people who pay and sign up for the information. Once again the smart passive income website is a great source for learning how to set up your first membership website.

Consulting OR Coaching

So this will take a little bit more out of your own time but it is an option and something that you can start immediately in order to start making money. Make a few announcements on your social media pages and or read a blog post about how you have some free time open in your upcoming coaching schedule. Let everyone know up front how much you charge and when  you are closing the program. Even if it does have one or two people have that's more money than you started with, right!

Paid Guest Posts

Something you can do is if you are in an industry where you often promote other products or services by other businesses, you can have an option on your website where people can pay you to write about them or can pay you to share their content on your blog this one might work a little bit like the paid advertisements for you might need to do some direct outreach in order to make them sell.

Speaking Gigs

Paid speaking gigs, em sure that you have a lot to offer. All are not totally comfortable speaking in public. Its not only a great exercise for us to do to become more confident in what we are talking about, what we are sharing but it also is another great way to make some money. If you get promoted to speak at a band thats a great time to ask what they are willing to pay for you to come up.

And Remember
There are many wonderful things that will never to be done if you do not do them.

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Ways to Monetize Your Blog Immediately Top 7 Strategies

Often times we get into Blogging to create may be passive income on the side or just to have a place to share personal stories. You might...


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